Holistic Billing Services

Holistic Billing Services to Suit
Your Practice’s Needs
By allowing Holistic Billing Services to be your outsource medical billing service, you can grow your practice—not your paperwork. Our coding experts will submit the claim to the insurance companies on your behalf. As soon as payment is issued, we post it to your account. That’s it! You’ll ncrease foot traffic, referrals, your client base—and your bottom line.
Our Commitment to Partnership
After you are successfully enrolled, just send us your patient’s information and we will perform a FREE insurance eligibility check for you. Then, once the patient’s coverage is verified and you have seen the patient, just send us the details of the encounter. Our holistic billing experts take care of the rest! We guarantee:
Trained CPA's MBAs and Certified coders who will troubleshoot and advocate on your behalf with insurance companies.
Enroll. See Patients. Get Paid.
Billing insurance for holistic practices is different than a traditional medical practice. It can be overwhelming and difficult, which is why choosing our outsource medical billing services will save you time and resources. Our experienced team will guide you through each step of the process, answering your questions and doing the heavy lifting for you. This way, you can start seeing patients covered by insurance quickly and painlessly, no matter your type of holistic practice.
Features and Benefits
Your Practice,
in the Cloud
- Documents scanned and field in secure cloud-based storage.
- Customizable user-defined settings and clinical tabs.
- Tailored to meet your data needs and design preferences, no matter your workload size.
- HIPAA Security Compliance assures privacy of PHI
- Open architecture for easy HL7 interfaces to other solutions.
- Optional custom forms creation tool
- Optional Optical Character Recognition (OCR).
Secure Storage
- Mobile-friendly and responsive for desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone
- Government certified as a complete EHR by the Drummond Group.
- Meaningful use, ePrescription, data capture, reporting, lab and order management, chart access.
- Adapts to various provider workflow needs, including GPs, specialists and walk-in clinicians.
Billing Anywhere
- Paperless document storage for improved staff efficiency, increased patient satisfaction and reduced operational costs.
- Cloud-based, customizable and intuitive.
- Simple onboarding for scheduling appointments, importing charges, monitoring financial performance, and handling billing.
- Easily integrated with your current EMR.
- U.S.-based tech support team available 24/7.
- ne-day installation.
Christer’s Success Story
When he opened his acupuncture practice a few months ago, Christer believed his biggest problem would be balancing his patient schedule with his surfing. See how NCG transformed his practice by handling his billing, denied insurance claims and reimbursement times form him.