Business Travel Expenses

We will reimburse you for reasonable business travel expenses if the immediate supervisor approves the travel in advance. After a trip is approved, you are responsible for making your travel arrangements.

We reimburse approved travel expenses such as travel, meals, lodging, and other costs as long as they were necessary to meet the trip’s objectives. You are expected to keep expenses within reasonable limits.

Suppose you are involved in an accident while on business travel, immediately report the accident to your supervisor. If you use a vehicle owned, leased, or rented by NCG Medical, you may not use that vehicle for personal reasons unless you got advance approval.

There may be times when you want to have a family member or friend come with you on a business trip. There may also be times when you want to combine a business trip with personal travel. In both cases, you must first get prior approval. Since the purpose of your trip is business, we need to make sure that nothing interferes with that objective. You are responsible for any expenses related to the personal portion of the trip or for your companion.

When a business trip is over, submit your completed travel expense report within 30 days. With your expense report, you must also submit receipts for every expense item.

See your supervisor for help and questions about business travel, expense reports, or other travel issues.

It is a severe matter if you record false or misleading information on your expense report. You may not request reimbursement for expenses that you did not have or that were not business-related. Employees who do not follow this business travel policy could be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Policy No.  512