Employee Acknowledgement Form

The Employee Handbook describes essential information about NCG Medical. I understand that I should consult Human Resources should I have any questions not answered in the handbook. 

I became an employee at NCG Medical voluntarily. I understand and acknowledge that there is no specified length to my employment at NCG Medical and that my employment is “at-will.” I understand and recognize that "at-will" means that I may terminate my employment at any time, with or without cause or advance notice. I also understand and acknowledge that "at-will" means that NCG Medical may terminate my employment at any time, with or without cause or advance notice, as long as they do not violate federal or state laws.

I understand and acknowledge that there may be changes to the handbook’s information, policies, and benefits. The only exception is that NCG Medical will not change or cancel its employment-at-will policy. I understand that NCG Medical may add new policies to the handbook and replace, change, or cancel existing policies. I understand that I will be told about any handbook changes, and I understand that handbook changes can only be authorized by the Chief Executive Officer of NCG Medical.

I understand and acknowledge that this handbook is not a contract of employment or a legal document. I have received the guide, and I understand that it is my responsibility to read and follow the policies contained in this handbook and any changes made to it.

EMPLOYEE'S NAME (printed): _______________________________________________

EMPLOYEE'S SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________________

DATE: ___________________________________________________________________