Nonexempt employees are responsible for accurately recording the hours they work. The law requires NCG Medical to keep accurate records of "time worked" to correctly calculate employee pay and benefits. "Time worked" means all the time that nonexempt employees spend performing their assigned work.
If you are a nonexempt employee, you must accurately record the time you start and stop work, when you start and end any meal periods or split shifts, and when you leave the workplace for personal reasons. Before you work any overtime, you must always get advance approval.
Falsifying time records is a serious matter. You may not change time after it is already recorded, enter a wrong time on purpose, tamper with time records, or record other employees' time for them. If you do any of these actions, you may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination
If you are a nonexempt employee, you should not start working before your scheduled start time. You should also not continue working after your scheduled end time. You can start earlier or work later when your supervisor approves it in advance.
Policy No. 401