Employment Categories

You must understand the definitions of the employment classifications at NCG Medical and know your classification. Your employment classification helps determine your employment status and benefits. If you have questions or are unsure what your employment classification is, see your supervisor or contact Human Resources.

These employment classifications do not guarantee employment with NCG Medical for any specific period. You became an employee at NCG Medical voluntarily, and your work is at will. "At will" means that you may terminate your employment at any time, with or without cause or advance notice. Likewise, "at-will" means that NCG Medical may terminate your job at any time, with or without cause or advance notice, as long as we do not violate federal or state laws.

Depending on your job, you are either NONEXEMPT or EXEMPT from federal and state wage and hour laws. If you are a NONEXEMPT employee, you are entitled to overtime pay under the specific provisions of federal and state laws. If you are an EXEMPT employee, you are excluded from particular requirements of federal and state wage and hour laws. Your EXEMPT or NONEXEMPT classification may change only with written notification by NCG Medical management.

In addition to being a Nonexempt or Exempt employee, you also belong to one of the following employment categories:

You are a REGULAR FULL-TIME employee if you are not assigned to temporary or introductory status, AND you are regularly scheduled to work the NCG Medical full-time schedule. REGULAR FULL-TIME employees are not in temporary or introductory status and are regularly scheduled to work the full-time schedule at NCG Medical. In most cases, regular full-time employees are eligible for all NCG Medical benefit programs, subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of each benefit program.

You are a PART-TIME employee if you are not in a temporary or introductory status, AND you are regularly scheduled to work less than 40 hours per week. Part-time employees receive all legally mandated benefits, such as Social Security and workers' compensation insurance. Part-time employees are not eligible for the other NCG Medical benefit programs.

If your performance is evaluated, you are an INTRODUCTORY employee to determine whether further employment in a specific position or with NCG Medical is appropriate. When you satisfactorily complete the introductory period, you will be told about your new employment classification.

You would be a TEMPORARY employee if you were hired as an interim replacement, temporarily increase our workforce, or help finish a specific project. Employees are in the temporary category for a limited time. Even if you work at NCG Medical longer than the original time period that we agreed to when you were first hired, you will stay a temporary employee until you are officially notified that you have been assigned to a different category. Temporary employees receive all legally mandated benefits, such as Social Security and workers' compensation insurance. Temporary employees are not eligible for other NCG Medical benefit programs.

Policy No.  201